July 03, 2007

Always Be Prepared

A great motto.

As a girl scout I learned it years ago.

As a member of the residential life leadership team in college, we also emphasized it.

As a pastor, they remain good words.

"Always be prepared."

Last week I was prepared to be "in charge" at the church while the pastor was on vacation. It's not the first time he's been on vacation since I've been at the church. In fact, it's more like the fourth or fifth time. So I wasn't concerned.

One seminary friend predicted the death of a congregation member ... didn't happen.

One congregation member offered to concoct an emergency so I could practice handling it ... declined her offer.

There were enough little things to deal with:

  • coordinating communion with one (of the many) retired ministers from the congregation

  • checking in on a congregation member who had outpatient eye surgery

  • checking in on a congregation member who fell down in the shower

  • checking in on a congregation member who is watching one of her best friends die

  • visiting a member who is currently under Hospice care and later in the week discovering that another member has contacted Hospice for care

  • ensuring all the pumps are working at the church during the torrential downpour one afternoon - this led to walking through a part of the church that has recently been demolished on the inside and is currently structurally unsound and then discovering water shouting out of a pvc pipe sticking out of the wall

  • coming into the office on Monday morning to find a work crew ready to bust through a wall and put in a door ... I had no knowledge this was going to happen


Jan said...

It sounds like you were prepared and stayed that way. Glad no great emergency (or death) occurred. You're doing what you're meant to do!

1-4 Grace said...

Nice work. I totally think you will be prepared for whatever coems your way. I still laugh over my "first funeral." Had to do it with my mentor pastor gone during internship.
Everything went wrong behind the scenes, but the funeral looked smooth on the outside.
Anyhow, i am ready to suggest that all semanaries have a plumbing 101 class that is mandatory for any and every pastor. I have heard too many tales of plumbing woes.
I got sprayed by a toliet one day in the ladies room. The male church meber that had come in the inspect got sprayed too. We stood their wet and laughed at each other.