April 05, 2007

Living into Holy Week

I'm having trouble living into Holy Week.
  • My pastoral intern mind is thinking about Easter Sunday and what the weather will be like at 6:45 in the morning.
  • I've started to plan for the 4th Sunday in Easter when I will preach next and have to incorporate a celebration of youth into the service.
  • I'm starting to think about the 5th Sunday in Easter when I will dance in worship with at least one little girl from the congregation.

And so, I'm having trouble living into Holy Week.

And these are some of my favorite worship services of the year. Last year I showed my church nerd colors by attending and liturgizing at a noonday Holy Week Service on Wednesday, attending a Maundy Thursday service done house church style with a meal, a Good Friday service on the seven last words of Jesus, an Easter Vigil (a first time for me and I loved it!), and an Easter Sunday service.

So this is my hope and prayer - that I will stop at some point over the next few days and live into that day of Holy Week.

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