November 21, 2006

Why My Life Will Never Be Boring

There was a session meeting at church tonight. An incident in church on Sunday (which I missed because I was still at Continuing Education) led to an intense discussion about proper conduct in church and how to handle those whose behavior is absolutely inappropriate (ie loud cursing during the sermon and the Lord’s Supper).

It was decided that the pastoral staff (which includes myself and the male pastor) and two other male congregation members would be in charge of addressing future outbursts. At this point, a session member asked if she could make a motion to fatten me up first …


Anonymous said...

emily. what?! they should know that you are impossible to fatten up. do they not see how you eat? i love you...and you know that i would be the first to test out the new system. what are you going to do? form tackle those with verbal diarrhea?

LutheranChik said...

Greetings from a delurker...

We've had a similar issue in our church...a Vietnam vet who brought some serious emotional issues back home with him, who's given to standing up in the middle of the service and saying whatever is on his mind -- usually a rambling discourse on piety and patriotism. We kind of let him be himself until he started criticizing other people in the congregation...I think at that point the pastor had to take him aside and gently ask him to choose his subject matter more carefully. And he's done so.