July 08, 2006

A Statement of Faith

Here it is: the third draft of my statement of faith. I've wrestled with what to write, struggled with my words, and refused to give in to the "mandatory list" of beliefs from my presbytery. This is what I believe; Lord, help my unbelief.

I believe in one triune God
who is mysteriously one-in-three and three-in-one:
three persons uniquely distinguished as Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer,
though not limited to those roles,
yet also one being uniquely united through the relationship of Father, Son, Spirit;
who is sovereign, just, gracious, and pursues humanity to the ends of the earth;
who alone I worship and serve.

I believe in God
who spoke into being all that is seen and unseen and created it good;
who freely and lovingly formed humanity in God’s own image;
who longs to be in covenant relationship with humanity,
but humanity is utterly sinful and all God’s creation is utterly broken;
who could not ignore humanity’s sinfulness,
yet longed for a restored relationship;
who would not abandon God’s own creation,
but unexpectedly broke into it as God-with-us.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son
who came down from heaven and entered this world as a baby,
fully human, yet redefining humanity, fully divine, yet redefining divinity;
who hung out with the poor, the outcasts, and the sinners;
who taught in parables, performed miracles, and healed the sick and lame;
who came to bridge the gap between humanity and God;
who through his perfect life, unjust death, and glorious resurrection
atoned for the sins of the world and reconciled the world to God.

I believe in the Holy Spirit
who is everywhere the giver and renewer of life;
who, in Christ, justifies us by God’s grace through faith
and continues to sanctify us;
who gives us courage to pray without ceasing
and intercedes for us when we have no words;
who engages our hearts and minds through the Holy Scriptures,
which are our authority;
who claims us in the waters of baptism as children of God
and nourishes us in the meal of bread and wine as members of the family of God;
who unites us as the one holy catholic apostolic church;
who calls us to participate in God’s mission in the world
with those of every time and place,
by reaching out to the least of these and proclaiming the good news of the gospel;
who gives us strength as we watch and wait for God’s new heaven and new earth.

I believe that absolutely nothing can separate us from the love of this triune God.

(unfortunately the poetic structure and indentations have been lost ... ah well)


Anonymous said...

Emily --

It's wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. And very much yours, which can be the hardest part of writing a statement of faith.


Beth Quick said...

Just found your blog via your write up at RevGals. What a beautiful statement of faith. I think the traditional ones are not only not 100% what I believe, but they also aren't very pretty. (Ok, the Nicene Creed is a little pretty.) Excellent.